
Sunday Reflection

I haven’t written a Sunday Reflection in a while. Today, however, felt like a good day to write one. On Friday, students from a number of high schools in Prince George’s County Maryland decided to stage a walk-out at each of their respective schools.

Being a graduate of the Prince George’s County school system, I felt somewhat of a connection to the students. It was only a few years ago that I was in the same position as many of those kids, which is why I believe that I had to retort the reactions to this little stunt.

At first, just like everyone else, I was just an internet bystander taking in the events of the day. It wasn’t until I really saw the uproar that this caused amongst people my own age (low 20’s).

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For this Sunday reflection I thought i’d provide a visual poem,entitled ‘Choice’

Author of ‘Choice’ Gnarly Bay says about his visual,

“In May of 2013, I spent 4 weeks traveling through Mozambique and South Africa with my girlfriend. On this trip, I asked her to marry me. This video is a reflection of my thoughts and emotions during that time.”

The message is just as inspirational as the video itself. I hope you receive as much from Gnarly Bay’s message as I did. Enjoy today and may the rest of your week be great.


I’m not sure why I’ll never forget this, but I won’t so I figured I’d share. On my seventh birthday, I had a really awesome cheesecake (I hate regular cake it’s way too sweet) and when my mommy finally lit my candles and it was time to make a wish, I wished for something so selfless. It never came true, until recently.

I wished that all the blind people in the world could see and that all the deaf people in the world could hear. And post-wish, when I told my friend what I wanted, he told me I was crazy and that kind of stuff just doesn’t happen. But guess what? Pierre Paul-Thomas would beg to differ. He, a blind man from Montreal, fell down the steps two years ago and it changed his life for the better. I mean, when does that ever happen? Watch as Pierre talks about his new and old experience.

According to the Montreal Gazette, Pierre “broke bones throughout his face, necessitating the reconstruction of his eye sockets. Several months later, at a followup appointment evaluating the need for more surgery, Lucie Lessard, a doctor at Montreal General, asked, “Oh, while we’re at it, do you want us to fix your eyes, too?” Of course, like almost anyone would, he affirmed that he would love that. Now, at 68 years old, after his operation, he can see for the first time since birth.

I’ve always known that the Universe works in mysterious ways, and it’s currently got me wondering why we as people aren’t as grateful as we should be about the smallest of things we have that other’s don’t. This story lifted my spirits, refilled me with hope and is urging me to ask all of Hazie Thoughts’ readers one hypothetical yet simply complex question: now that Pierre can see you, are you worth looking at?

Think about it & Happy Sunday! Happy belated August! Happy beginning-of-a-new-week!

In a world filled with violence, lies, and at many times a blatant disregard for humanity. Where does one fine the silver lining?

Well a recent Allstate commercial sums it up pretty well. (Video below)


So on this Sunday give it up for good. Don’t dwell on what you can’t change or have no control over. Just continue to focus on all in your life that’s good.

I stole this picture from one of my friends Twitter pages and I just had to share it with someone else. I can’t speak for anyone else but I find myself at times battling within, what do I really want out of life?

When you’re young it’s hard to always know exactly what you want. But one thing I’ve learned so far is that if it’s important to you, you’ll end up doing whatever it takes and being happy at the end of the day. Regardless of where you are at, or what you think your next move is. Make sure first and foremost it means something to you.


A lot of times, I jokingly get teased because of my life philosophy. A lot of my theories on life seem to be a little radical or a bunch of “somewhere over the rainbow” mumbo jumbo, but I like to think that in everyone’s thoughts we can find hidden treasure. So I have a few that I’d like to share with you on this beautiful late Sunday afternoon.

I read an article today on how a teenage girl in Missouri was harshly reprimanded for doing absolutely nothing. A couple guys in her school were constantly harassing her about her body and when she reported it, an administrator told her that it would be best if she looked into getting a breast reduction to minimize the harassment. This was appalling to me and it really made me think about some of the things our world should really change.

Like I always do when I come across something that disturbs me, I ran to Sosa (fellow HazieThoughts writer and friend) with my thoughts. He proposed that, “the problem with our world is that people don’t like to confront problems that exist because they’d rather think of ways to make them disappear.” And, I couldn’t agree more. Our society has double standards that it is built on and they may not ever change. This is, unfortunately, a direct result of people simply not caring correctly.

In one of my Psychology classes at my university, I learned something about the concept of caring that I think provides profound insight to better my point. Nel Noddings, is an American feminist, who theorized that caring for something and caring about something are entirely two different things. She believed that when you care about something, you wish it well but it has minimal correlation to who you are and what you stand for. However, when you care for something, you want to do what will benefit that thing. You care less about how it will directly affect you and more about how you will directly affect it. I think she makes an outstanding point and her theory can really be beneficial to those who want to start making more of a difference in society or just want to become a better person altogether.

I care for the image of women in today’s society, so I study feminism and think of ways I can contribute to bettering such. I care for mental health in today’s society, so I am studying psychology and plan to pursue a career in counseling. I also care for the information that people receive on a daily basis, so I write for an AMAZING blog (haziethoughts) in hopes to provide authenticity to people. I believe that because people are innately good, we all care about a lot of things. But if we could take the time to really care FOR something and put effort into it so that it will grow or change, we could change the world. Are you up for it?



“Are you wiling to give up who you love for what you love?”

A lot of us claim to be working/grinding, but how much work are we truly doing? I think people have this misconception of how hard they’re really working. This leads to a false sense of drive or determination.

Sacrifice by definition is to surrender or give up, or permit injury or disadvantage to, for the sake of something else.

A lot of us don’t want to give up or change our ways.  Yet we still want to see growth and fruition in our lives.

Sadly that’s not how the world works. Sacrifice within yourself and reap the benefits later.

Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day. Happy Sunday


The older I get, the more I realize I’m not as religious as I may want to think. Sunday’s always make me remember that the most. Lately I’ve been contemplating if that made me a bad person, and I think I came to an answer.

Being a good or bad person is something that lies within each of us. They’re no rubrics or guidelines which tell us such. Yet we all seem to be living in hopes of being defined by these nonexistent  rules.

Peace & Happiness are sort of the same way. There’s no way in which to determine one’s level, but we seem to think we know how.

On this Sunday no matter where you are in the world, or where you stand in your life. I wish for you peace & happiness. Not in a bottle attached with requirements such as money, relationships, or education. But something free and natural that is personal to you.

Peace & Happiness come in a variety of ways, find yours, and forever enjoy.

I know well that happiness is in little things. The source of happiness is within us. I wish you all the joy of being happy!” Anonymous

FACT: When I was young my grandmother told me that people say Santa Claus is Santan.

                        *Always wanted to share that but, there was never opportunity*

ANOTHER FACT: Santa Claus is also known as Saint Nicholas.

Why was I was never aware of that until just now, but none of that matters.  What does matter is the best time of the year is here.  Eating good daily & enjoying everyday for more than a week straight, or at least that’s how it should be.  Time to make people’s day & also get your day made.  Time to party into the new year like the morning after doesn’t exist.  Time to TURNUH! *in my IZM voice*

I know receiving is a lot better than giving, but doesn’t it feel good to see the joy on someone’s face because of you?  With that in my mind give to those you love most & spend time with those you rarely see.  Just think we making memories here,  let the good times roll.

Happy Holidays!