
Author Archives: hazeshepsut


Anonymous, Occupy and WikiLeaks united Whistleblowers, Hacktivists, Marchers and Occupiers to Defend Humanity is just one of the slogans of those who have orchestrated the Million Mask March.

On November 5, 2013 hopeful millions will descend on Washington, DC to celebrate Guy Fawkes Day, in an effort to remind the world, “That fairness, justice and freedom are more than just words.” The event has been arranged  by affiliates of the hacktivism movement, Anonymous, an international group of activists who’ve adopted the image of the infamous Englishman who unsuccessfully plotted to blow up Parliament in the early 1600’s. The group requests that the million(s) disguise themselves as Fawkes for the event.

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For this Sunday reflection I thought i’d provide a visual poem,entitled ‘Choice’

Author of ‘Choice’ Gnarly Bay says about his visual,

“In May of 2013, I spent 4 weeks traveling through Mozambique and South Africa with my girlfriend. On this trip, I asked her to marry me. This video is a reflection of my thoughts and emotions during that time.”

The message is just as inspirational as the video itself. I hope you receive as much from Gnarly Bay’s message as I did. Enjoy today and may the rest of your week be great.

In 1965 President Lyndon B. Johnson signed this act to eliminate voter discrimination , this would include ; poll taxes , literacy tests , and any other procedure designed to keep blacks from registering to vote and voting period.

Congress has been expected to retract all or most of its jurisdiction for an important part of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Section 4 of the law , constitutes which states and counties are under continued federal oversight, has been struck down. This directly affects section 5 a “key enforcement provision ” to be void. Section 5 is what required the affected states to obtain pre-clearance from Washington or an Attorney General to implement any new voting practices and procedures.

This section of the Voting Rights Act is being put under vote ,after being renewed for an additional 25 years in 2006, because the procedures it entails seems outdated to the majority of congressional voters. They believe our country has moved past such racial discrimination , now that there’s little to no federal interference in the states shown to have continued racial tension , we’ll see.

Philly SchoolsA domino effect has come into play as Philadelphia also succumbs to school closings. As in Chicago , “budget cuts” are to blame for the decimation of libraries, extra-curricular activities and sports. Schools are being replaced with prisons. Our First Lady , Michelle Obama gave a commencement speech at Bowie State University recently , and some of her remarks shed light on shared beliefs throughout the government on its responsiblity for making these decisions. The decisions to close schools are not solely based on “budget cuts” and we know it.

Her thought-provoking remarks :

But today, more than 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation , more than 50 years after the end of “separate but equal,” when it comes to getting an education, too many of our young people just can’t be bothered . Today, instead of walking miles every day to school, they’re sitting on couches for hours playing video games, watching TV. Instead of dreaming of being a teacher or a lawyer or a business leader, they’re fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper.

Let us reiterate that, THE MINORITY IS NOT THE MAJORITY.

I can speak for all of us here at HazieThoughts when I say we will not be generalized. It is true that the youth in our culture aspire for fast wealth but it’s because we have been conditioned to aspire for superficiality. The resources capable of producing higher hopes for our culture are being replaced with systems only meant to institutionalize and make us another statistic. We do not fail to be educated , education fails us.

The Philadelphia Student Union states,

“We are wiling to break the stereotypes and expectations of urban youth, and are taking this opportunity to tell the world that urban school districts deserve funding and it is your responsibility under the Commonwealth Charter to provide us with more than a ‘bare bones education.”

The students in Philadelphia, Chicago and other struggling school systems around the country who face these adversities want more, and we as a culture do too.




It is time for some self-reflection because I have witnessed far to many people who would rather generalize the company they attract , before turning a mirror on themselves.

I need to make something clear , THE MAJORITY IS NOT THE MINORITY.

Generalizing is an ugly habit to have primarily because it leads to being closed-minded and that is not something we can endorse here at HazieThoughts but , I digress.  Take some time to reflect on the type of person you are/the person you aspire to be and compare it to the type of company you attract and keep , should any of the two disappoint you , you have no one to blame but yourself. All 7 billion people on this earth are not the same. All women are not the same. All men are not the same. All cultures are not the same.   There is no one culture that is automatically pre-disposed to certain types of actions , behaviors or thoughts simply because the MINORITY you have been exposed to are a certain way. If you want to broaden your horizons put out into the world what you want to receive.

If every person you meet is untrustworthy , You are probably not all that honest yourself. 

If every person you meet lacks morals , where are yours?  etc;

The point to all this is not to evoke a sense of insecurity , this is about self-reflection.

Also try the perspective that your current disposition towards a specific type of trait is being projected. Could it be possible that you may have become so used to being exposed to a type of trait that you think that everyone you meet embodies this trait ? 

Do the majority a favor by wising up and owning up to your personal flaws as well as your assets. Use the better qualities of yourself to attract the better of the universe.

I’m just going to jump right into what I want to say and be direct.
Know your worth and let others discover their own just as well.
Devaluing yourself or any other for whatever reason is to common a problem for humanity as a whole. It’s something that’s easy to do and it’s something easy to condone when we see something that society doesn’t deem socially acceptable but ask yourself , who the hell are you ? What gives another human the qualification to devalue another. In my mind there isn’t a degree available in the world that gives another permission to dissolve dreams of anyone outside of their-selves. As we are human and we are not perfect , there are ways to better ourselves everyday but keep in mind that not everyone is blessed with self-enlightenment and they need just as much positive support as those who know their value. Learning to overcome negativity is an infinitive problem as a whole but the weight of the world is no ones sole responsibility, so start and end with yourself and your world and do it on a daily basis.

Once your value is determined remind yourself of it consistently so as to discourage any outside negativity to make you question it. Only you should have the power to control the value of our world.

There is always room for improvement so set short-term and long-term goals on how to personally increase your value. Don’t settle for shit if you have to settle at all let it be for the best.

Wear your C , C is for confidence. Here at haziethoughts we are armed with it and it is something we want everyone else to display as well. It is never an issue to publicize the love you have for yourself and never let anyone shame you from doing so because they are inhibited by their own insecurities. Practice being humble as well because there is a thin line between making a statement and flaunting. Nevertheless you should be aware of at least one skill , talent , whatever that you feel you’ve mastered and you can display proudly.

Let your soul glow. Find your C. Know your worth.

May your week ahead know blessings.