Sunday Reflection : Know Your Worth

I’m just going to jump right into what I want to say and be direct.
Know your worth and let others discover their own just as well.
Devaluing yourself or any other for whatever reason is to common a problem for humanity as a whole. It’s something that’s easy to do and it’s something easy to condone when we see something that society doesn’t deem socially acceptable but ask yourself , who the hell are you ? What gives another human the qualification to devalue another. In my mind there isn’t a degree available in the world that gives another permission to dissolve dreams of anyone outside of their-selves. As we are human and we are not perfect , there are ways to better ourselves everyday but keep in mind that not everyone is blessed with self-enlightenment and they need just as much positive support as those who know their value. Learning to overcome negativity is an infinitive problem as a whole but the weight of the world is no ones sole responsibility, so start and end with yourself and your world and do it on a daily basis.

Once your value is determined remind yourself of it consistently so as to discourage any outside negativity to make you question it. Only you should have the power to control the value of our world.

There is always room for improvement so set short-term and long-term goals on how to personally increase your value. Don’t settle for shit if you have to settle at all let it be for the best.

Wear your C , C is for confidence. Here at haziethoughts we are armed with it and it is something we want everyone else to display as well. It is never an issue to publicize the love you have for yourself and never let anyone shame you from doing so because they are inhibited by their own insecurities. Practice being humble as well because there is a thin line between making a statement and flaunting. Nevertheless you should be aware of at least one skill , talent , whatever that you feel you’ve mastered and you can display proudly.

Let your soul glow. Find your C. Know your worth.

May your week ahead know blessings.

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